Front Line All-Stars

Professional Pets presented by Woofy’s Pet Foods

Your Name & Company: Marion Logan   – Invis West Coast Mortgages About your pet: Name: Buffie Nickname: Mommy’s baby girl, & Buff- Dog Breed: Bichon-  ShisTzu Age:  8 Favourite Activity: Playing with sticks, carrying sticks home from her walk, Searching for a new toy in daddy’s coat when he comes out of Wal Mart. Favourite place to sleep: On our bed,...

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Cambell River’s FUTURE 15

On February 19th the Campbell River & District Chamber of Commerce celebrated their FUTURE15 event. What a great concept this event is! Campbell River is full of amazing people 19-45. They are role models, paving their own path and shaping the future of Campbell River. Below are a few of the winners and their visions...

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Two minutes with . . . Desiree Barton, Owner, MODLUX Interiors Inc.

Desiree Barton, Owner, MODLUX Interiors Inc. Hometown:  Quathiaski Cove, BC 3 words that best describe you:  hardworking, dedicated, loving Last book you read (or are reading):  does the building code book count? Celebrity crush:  Jason Statham First job:  Boat cleaner at Gowland Harbour Resort All-time greatest movie or TV show:  Stick-it Favourite place you’ve ever...

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Premier supports micro business funding

Premier Christy Clark delivered a well-polished speech at Crown Isle last Friday (Feb. 22), during which she soapboxed about delivering a balanced budget, helping BC families and growing the economy. On behalf of one of our readers, the Business Gazette asked the premier whether she supports the extension of BC’s Micro-Business Training pilot program, which...

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